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Friday, January 2, 2015

Why New Year

This time of year is one of reflection and goal setting. Many people make resolutions. Last year I made one myself - to get healthier and work out. I've been pretty good at it. I've lost some fat and put on more muscle. I feel better about myself - physically and mentally - and I've come to enjoy exercise. I got to thinking though, why now? Obviously the throwing away of one calendar and the putting up of another marks a boundary. And clearly the tradition has been around for quite a while. But it seems that New Year is "the time" to make goals and I guess my musings are why only now?

Interestingly enough, if people only reflect and plan at the start of the new calendar there are multiple times that they can do that. My occupation has to observe three calendars: solar (January to Dec), fiscal (July to June), and academic (May to April). Technically that last one could also be August to May depending on if you relate it to usual time students attend classes or the catalog year of the institution. It is certainly true that pondering, reflecting, and planning happen at the start of the academic year, but I would have to say that the end of the fiscal year is when those activities tend to happen. There is also Chinese New Year which is celebrated by many people, some that aren't even Chinese. My daughter's school throws a Chinese New Year party (which has gotten bigger ever year) as they have a Chinese immersion program. Anniversaries and birthdays also mark the end of a solar year.

Perhaps New Year is seen as "the time" to reflect and make goals because, as a holiday that is the tradition. People often reflect and make goals on annual occasions (some are mentioned above) but as there are often other traditions associated with those celebrations the goal making and reflecting are not noted. Regardless of it being overt or covert, I think that reflecting and making goals is something that can only be beneficial.

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