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Thursday, October 29, 2015

Full Moon

The other night when I turned the lights off to go to bed I paused, thinking I had missed turning a light off somewhere. The room was a lot lighter than normal. It took me just a moment to realize that it was because of the full moon outside. The next morning on my way to the bus the full moon was still hanging relatively high in the sky.  When I came into work I learned that several of my co-workers didn't sleep well last night. One of them suggested that it was because of the full moon last night. Doing a little bit of research shows that the words lunacy and lunatic are both from the Latin word for moon. There are plenty of other things blamed on the moon or its phases from sleep to fertility.

Regardless of what is attributed to the moon and what actually is caused by the moon (like tides and such), I've always felt a bit of a pull towards it (pun intended). There is a song by the Russian group Любэ (Lyube`/Lube`) called, Луна ("luna" - Moon). The song is the story of an old wolf who is facing the end of his life and his cry to the moon to come and take him. I have always been drawn in by the chorus - starts at 1:38 in the video in the link. The song concludes with a rather intense instrumental that seems at first rather at odds with the story in the lyrics, but how else would you expect a wolf to leave this world? (I particularly enjoyed listening to the song on my way home late at night. I would roll down the windows and turn the volume all the way up - one of the reasons my hearing may not be what it once was.)

Silver window in a pitch black wall

Silver window in a pitch black wall
Letting in the light of another world.
What can you see?

Mercury light radiating from the depths
Calling me to look into the beyond.
What will I see?

Radiant harmony and calm and peace
Shinning as a beacon for those who observe.
Where do you lead?

The maiden. The wolf. The dreamer. And me.
Your court. Your gang. Your admirers Your children.
Lead on and we follow.

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