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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

What is real

Our minds are amazing at what they do. However, there are some things that can throw it off. As we get older we become susceptible to dementia or senility. We can develop any number of mental illnesses, including bipolar, paranoia, or other conditions that warp perception. But even without our brains breaking down we can be fooled into perceiving things that that are not there. This can be due to stress, strain, tiredness or some such physical ailment that reaches in to effect our wold.

It used to be thought that the more someone watched violence in their media the more violent they would be. This is not the case. It is now under stood that the more media we consume the more we see it as reality. Which begs the question, if the media is to present the facts is it a conflict of interests that their very media coverage will impact the watchers to believe that there are such events are the norm. 

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