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Friday, January 25, 2013

Making Dinner

Tonight I made tilapia and stir-fry vegetables. I had two thoughts while doing this. First, while I am not a big fish eater I do enjoy tilapia. The reason for it is - it doesn't taste like fish. Why is it that the biggest thing I can say about a fish is that it doesn't taste like one?

The second thought I had was on my sixth-grade geography class. We had a whole unit on China and one of the things that was mentioned was that for a large part of the country there was not a lot of wood. The most common fuel source for cooking was the straw that left over from harvest or from clearing the land. As straw burns quick and hot, it was the catalyst for stir-fry. My anthropology course in college taught me that what we eat and how we eat it is often times dependent on our surroundings. So thank the lack of timber the next time you dig into some tasty Chinese cooking.

Isn't that interesting?

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