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Friday, February 22, 2013

What can you see?

I can see you! Granted I was looking at the back of my iPod or rather my mirror when I took this. You can actually see the bathroom lamps and my iPod (the black box below the lights) in the reflection from my eye.

That is not the reason I took this picture, nor the item of interest I thought of. As you can see, my eye is red. If you pulled up "causes for bloodshot eyes" in Google you would get a lot of sources that all say pretty much the same thing. That red eyes are caused by a number of reasons that you may or may not want to be worried about.

However, out of all the reasons you can find, this site was the first to mention the particular reason my eyes are red in this picture - tiredness. If I am up too late, my eyes go red. Sometimes it's bad enough that my vision becomes very blurry and my eyes hurt. Most of the time they just go red. If I'm doing things with family or friends, I'll sometimes ask how my eyes look as an indicator of when I should turn in. If they start to look bad, it's time for bed.

I've worn glasses since I was in 6th grade. My younger sister is the only other sibling that wears them (that is out of 4 siblings), but that is just for driving and computer use. I've always found my family's vision interesting. My father wore glasses from the time he was 8 or so, but neither one of his brothers did until they were older. Now my father is the oldest of 3 boys and I'm the 2nd oldest (but oldest boy) of 5. So from what I can see, it is likely that my son will need glasses, but not my daughter. While nearsightedness (or Myopia) has been shown to be hereditary, I don't know if it will effect my family as I've predicted here.

We'll have to see what happens.

I'm not going to tell you how late I was up last night, but I will say that it is really hard to put down a good book. As I have been plugging authors, I'll mention Megan Whalen Turner, author of The Thief, The Queen of Attolia, the King of Attolia, and A Conspiracy of Kings. She was the guest of honor at this years LTUE symposium. We bought her books and my family (who was able to stay later than we were) got them signed for us. I've read the first three before and am rereading them so I can enjoy the 4th. They are wonderful on many levels and are prone to keep you up reading when you probably should call it a night.

Remember: when your eyes turn red, it's time for bed.

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