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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Writing is the answer not 42.

Douglas Adams asked in his book The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, "What is the meaning to life, the universe, and everything?" The great computer Deep Thought gave the answer, "42." There are many that think this is still fundamental correct, but when it comes to Life, the Universe, and Everything in Provo, UT the answer is "writing" (and by extension reading).

This year my wife and I were finally able to attend one of the greatest writing symposiums in the inter-mountain west: Life, the Universe, and Everything. My mother wrote in her weekly E-mail that this was the fifth year they have attended. The biggest draw for us this year was that my younger sister and father were presenting a research paper they had written entitled, "Reactors built in the 20th  century blow up in the 21st." It was a discussion of the shift in science fiction from space opera to dystopian and apocalyptic. It was fascinating to hear both the origins and the progress of sci-fi, particularly as I tend to be picky about what sci-fi I read.

We enjoyed the few other panels we were able to attend. Although, I was reminded that just because people are on a panel doesn't mean that they are the most knowledgeable on the topic. It reminded me of this Schlock Mercenary comic. There was some good discussion, but it was also entertaining to watch one of the panelists do everything possible not to roll her eyes on a number of occasions as people said things she disagreed with. I was also able to attend a discussion on how to write action done by one of my favorite authors, Larry Correia. Larry is one of the authors I wanted to go all "fanboy" on. He is very good at writing action that keeps you engaged and I don't think there has been a book he's written that I didn't stay up late (or early i.e. past 2:00 am) to finish. Several of his 400+ page books I've read in less than a 48 hour period.

As we drove home, my wife commented that I should consider taking up writing again. That is, I have considered taking up writing and my wife was recommending that I consider it again. I have not written anything of particular note, but I have some ideas bouncing around my head that have been marinating for a while. I do enjoy learning about the writing process and how to improve writing, but I've come to see myself as an informed consumer. With that said, I do enjoy putting ideas on a page and I think that was one the the catalysts of keeping a blog. Writing gives me a way to think or should I say muse.

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